Married in the Year of the Dog!

Thoughts and notes leading up to the wedding of TD Yandt and Damon Smith on September 1st, 2006, in Saskatoon, SK.

My Photo
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Dog Trainer, Dog Writer, Dog Handler, Dog Photographer, Dog Ma.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A New Family Member

It's been a long while since my last post here, so figured it's about time I check in and let you all know what's happened. Damon and I are expecting a new addition to our little family. No fur, no fins, no feathers... this addition is going to look more like Damon and I than any of our current kids. :) That's right! We're expecting a HUMAN baby. Little Jack or Lily is expected to join this world on July 14th.

To read more about what's happened since our wedding, and to keep up with our ever changing lives, please head on over to our new blogs.

Dear DogMa -
The Lily Pad -

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Panic Creeping In

As of this evening at about ten p.m., panic is starting to creep in. Hours and hours and hours have gone into creating the favors, and still hours of work remain. There are still so many things that need to be purchased. We've barely even thought about the decorations... I have no idea how everything is going to come together. It seems that everything I viewed as important is having to be left out of our day. It's getting incredibly stressful.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Five Weeks to Go!

Well, we're down to the final five weeks. Crazy. Honestly? It still feels like there should be at least another three months. We've got a lot done, but so many little things are left - and all those little things are a lot more difficult than any of the big things were.

Who'd have thought. The big things turned out to be the easiest. Who officiates? Where's the ceremony? Who stands up for you? What to wear? What colours? What to serve at the reception? These things are all dictated fairly easily based on who a person is. It was a given that I'd be married outdoors. When we found our reception site it turned out there was a park a half a block down the street. Damon picked a colour, and I picked a colour (thankfully they match). Choosing our sisters as our honor attendants also came easy... but the little things? Who gives each toast? Who should be the photographer? Do we get a videographer? What song do we dance to? What song do we dance with our parents to? Who should do the toasts? What kind of wine for the toasts? Who's watching the dogs? How do we decorate the hall? Where do we stand at the ceremony (which end of the park, facing which direction)? How do we thank everyone who helped make the day possible?

I'm a little stressed.

Anyone want to take over my job? Anyone want to be a bride?

Saturday, June 03, 2006

"A Marrying Year"

Year of the Dog 'good for marriages' - quoted from the China Daily

2006-01-25 05:56

HEFEI: Lovers in China are rushing to get married in the Lunar Year of the Dog because it's considered an auspicious year for weddings.

A community service centre in Luyang District of this capital of Anhui Province has averaged more than 20 couples a day registering for marriage since the calendar year began. A centre official said that number is twice the daily average during the past 10 months.

"They are all preparing for weddings in the Year of the Dog," he said.

And there will be more "dog days" for couples to marry. In the Year of the Dog, which will start from January 29, the lunar cycle will last 385 days until February 17, 2007 a phenomenon that occurs only 12 times between 221 BC and 2100. The last 385-day lunar year was 1944.

According to the lunar calendar, this Year of the Dog has 13 months. The extra month, called an intercalary month, is being inserted between the seventh and eighth lunar months to catch up with the solar calendar since a lunar cycle lasts about 29.5 days.

The year also has two lichun, or beginnings of spring, on February 4 of 2006 and 2007.

"People believe a year with two beginnings of spring and an intercalary month is a golden time to tie the knot," said Fei Guangze, general manager of the Suren Wedding Service Co in Hefei.

"As the Chinese proverb goes, double beginnings of spring and 13 months make a perfect year for weddings."

Fei's company provides services ranging from wedding gowns, fancy photo albums and bridal make-ups to luxuriant wedding fleets and hosts of ceremonies. "We're already fully booked with weddings in February, March, May and October," he said. "Some couples made reservations a year in advance."

Many other cities have also reported soaring marriage registrations.

In fact, many couples have been waiting for the Year of the Rooster to pass before getting married. You might say the couples chickened out.

The past year was also called a "widow year" because it does not have lichun.

"Although the belief is ridiculous, the fact that people try to avoid it reflects a strong desire for a happy marriage," said Zhang Youde, a sociologist at Shanghai University.

A similar marriage rush was reported in January 2005, in the last days of the Year of the Monkey before the Year of the Rooster began on February 9.

About 10 million Chinese couples get married each year.


(China Daily 01/25/2006 page1)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Time Flies

It's amazing how quickly time passes when preparing for an event like this! I can't believe there's only three months left to get everything ready. We've got the hall, found a park close by (for the wedding itself), bought the dress (still working on fancying it up), got the shoes, have an outfit for Brandi... but that still leaves so very much to be done.

Three months left. Jeeze...

Anyone got any spare time they could loan us?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Year of the Dog

Well, it seems fairly obvious that Damon isn't going to post unless his life is threatened... so you'll either have to be content with reading my thoughts, or find someone who's affiliated with the mob. ;)

Time is passing so quickly. There's only another four months until the big day. Still so much to do. We've decided on wedding colours. I wanted pink and green - my favorite colours. My mom said it would look like a tacky Chinese restaurant... and Damon really wanted burgundy. So, Burgundy, Coral, and Green it is. Coral is, after all, pinks Earthier cousin... or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

I'd found the dress of my dreams, unfortunately its' $875 price tag has us all running scared. So the search is back on. Must find a dress! Something really special, or something me and a couple of girlfriends can "special" up.

We've got the hall rented! It's actually a really pretty spot, and the best news? It's Canine friendly!!!!

Many people have questioned the significance of our choosing the year of the dog to wed... Well, it's special for a number of reasons. My life revolves around our Canine companions - both my business and personal lives are doggy-centric. This year is also going to mark our tenth year together, so yet another reason the year is significant. Further, this is the first time in centuries that the Chinese Calendar year includes two Springs... very lucky for love. With these three things backing us, how could we have chosen any other year?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Place...

Choosing a place for the wedding is ending up more difficult than I'd first anticipated. If a place is scenic and outdoors it's an arm and a leg, if it's a reasonable price it's indoors encased in cold, ugly, cement, if it seems just right they don't allow dogs - which means it isn't an option.

So the hunt goes on. Got any tips? Please leave a comment. We could use all the help we can get at this point. Outdoors with an indoor hall near by in case of nasty weather. Within 1/2 hour of Saskatoon. Allows pets. Ideally? I'd love an old farm... lots of trees and bush, with an old (clean) barn for the reception. Lovely and natural outdoor setting for the wedding itself, and a clean, fun, homey place to party into the night.

--> BTW, we're over 150 guests now.