Married in the Year of the Dog!

Thoughts and notes leading up to the wedding of TD Yandt and Damon Smith on September 1st, 2006, in Saskatoon, SK.

My Photo
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Dog Trainer, Dog Writer, Dog Handler, Dog Photographer, Dog Ma.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Registered @ Walmart

I was feeling pretty awful over the whole experience yesterday with Ila's ring set... so Damon and I went out today to do some pretend shopping. We registered at Walmart. It was actually a lot of fun. We looked at things we never thought we'd be able to have, neat little kitchen gadgets, a bar mirror, some cute bathroom floor mats that we could use in the dogs' crates. It was a good day. Silly how something so little can make you feel a whole lot better.

Ring Sizing Gone Wrong

I thought it might be interesting to journal through the process of planning our wedding, jotting down our feelings and experiences through it all... but in true TD fashion I figured if I'm going to do so, I might as well share it with the world. So here it is. Our wed-log.

When everything is up and running properly, both Damon and I will be able to post at will. Until I get this thing figured out completely though, it's just little old me - hope that's not TOO disappointing for all of you. ; ) Damon will be able to post soon, I promise.

Last night I was very upset. We'd had a bad experience with Peoples Jewelry in the past, they broke Damon's watch when we took it in to have the battery replaced and assumed NO responsibility for having wrecked it. Despite this, we decided to bring my engagment ring there to be sized....

For those who don't yet know, Damon gave me his Grandmothers ring. Ila was a very special person to me. The first person on his Mothers side to really accept me into the family, she was a true, genuine, loving, accepting spirit. Her and I spent a great deal of time together, and shared a great number of interests. I was proud to call her a friend. Sadly, she left this world a few years back, and left a huge hole in our lives. To have her ring, means more to me than any piece of modern jewelry ever could. I honestly believe she'd be proud to have me wearing it.

We left Ila's ring at Peoples last week, and with a very heavy heart I left it there with the promise it would be ready for me by Friday (yesterday). All week I couldn't stop thinking about all Ila and I shared, and time dragged as I waited through the days... Friday came and I anxiously awaited the time when Damon would be home from work, and the two of us could go pick up the ring set.

When the two of us arrived at the store and handed over the claim ticket we were so very excited... that soon turned to dread as the clerk (a new employee) couldn't find the ring. The relief was overwhelming when another employee pointed her to a different locked cabinet. It only lasted a moment though, as she struggled to find Ila's ring.

After roughly ten minutes another employee, the fellow who helped us the day we dropped off the rings for sizing, took over the search. Soon he realized they didn't yet have the ring set. It had never arrived post sizing. He informed us that it will be tuesday before we can expect it to be in... needless to say, I'm not a happy camper.

The moral of our little tale? Don't go to Peoples. Choose a smaller locally owned store... the service will be better, and you'll be a whole lot happier.