Married in the Year of the Dog!

Thoughts and notes leading up to the wedding of TD Yandt and Damon Smith on September 1st, 2006, in Saskatoon, SK.

My Photo
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Dog Trainer, Dog Writer, Dog Handler, Dog Photographer, Dog Ma.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Place...

Choosing a place for the wedding is ending up more difficult than I'd first anticipated. If a place is scenic and outdoors it's an arm and a leg, if it's a reasonable price it's indoors encased in cold, ugly, cement, if it seems just right they don't allow dogs - which means it isn't an option.

So the hunt goes on. Got any tips? Please leave a comment. We could use all the help we can get at this point. Outdoors with an indoor hall near by in case of nasty weather. Within 1/2 hour of Saskatoon. Allows pets. Ideally? I'd love an old farm... lots of trees and bush, with an old (clean) barn for the reception. Lovely and natural outdoor setting for the wedding itself, and a clean, fun, homey place to party into the night.

--> BTW, we're over 150 guests now.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Guestlist...

So I got my ring... yeah! I was so worried and so stressed thinking something had happened and they'd lost or damaged it. Very relieved to have it here on my finger where it belongs.

Now my big stress is this darn guestlist. Who'd have thought it would be so difficult to do? When my mom suggested we have 100 people my first thought was "WOW! That's huge." Heh heh... So I've discovered 100 isn't nearly as many as I'd imagined. Our list is at 119, and there are still other people I'd love to invite. Do we invite everyone we'd like to, and figure there will be some who can't make it? Do we limit our invites to 100, and if so who do we leave out? And good grief! What about the people who seem to think they're invited just because they know we're getting married? Just because I know your name doesn't mean you are automatically on the guestlist. Jeepers.


Anyone want to take over for me?